We exist to communicate the uncompromised Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and equip believers to their maturity to be responsible citizens and knowledgeable gospel ministers for the extension of God’s Kingdom in the world.


The Truth Bible Institute (TBI) is a Christian academy in the Pentecostal tradition that is committed to working on the Great Commission, which is winning the lost souls to Christ and make disciples all over the world (Mathew 28:19-20). As a strategic and dynamic non-profit Christian academy, the TBI is based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Working in the Christian sound doctrine, the TBI serves various people in need around the world, while embracing both skillfulness and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Because of the huge demand and dynamics of life, the institute applies both traditional and open distance learning modes in its operation. Those who manage to be in campus get services while those who fail because of various reasons are served through the open and distance learning system, which includes various means of communication such as face-to-face, broadcasting, telecasting, correspondence, seminars, e-learning, as well as a blended mode, which is a combination of various means of communication. All TBI’s ministerial and academic programs are quality-assured and centrally regulated by recognized authoritative theological and academic bodies (ACTEA & APTEA).

TBI has its own interesting and encouraging history. The history of the institute goes back to 2011, when the Institute was known as the Truth Bible College (TBC). Bishop Aurelian Makarius Ngonyani founded it, after being educated in several Bible colleges and theological seminaries. Not only is Ngonyani educated in Bible and theology arena but also practices it. He has been teaching Bible and theology for many years in different Bible colleges and seminaries. The TBC, which was inaugurated in Tunduma-Songwe, held its first graduation in September 2014. While committed to teaching the Truth of the Bible and correcting heresies around the world, the TBC was transformed into the TBI in order to expand its services and reach many people around the world. this is how the TBI came into existence, briefly.


To communicate the uncompromised Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and equip believers to their maturity to be responsible citizens and knowledgeable gospel ministers for the extension of God’s Kingdom in the world.

To be the leading spiritual and academic institution in transforming people’s lives around the world.